About us
National Center for Dialogue and Progress (NCDP) is an independent, private and not-for-profit organization based in Kabul – Afghanistan. It is founded on the premise that developing a stable democratic and pluralistic polity in war-torn multi-ethnic societies requires an informed, engaged and vibrant civil society to facilitate social, political and economic transitions toward inclusive and effective governance.
After four decades of revolutions, rebellion, turmoil and chaos Afghanistan has experienced series of dramatic top-down socio-political changes including some of the most extremist regimes. However events at the dawn of the new millennium, has offered Afghanistan another unprecedented opportunity to establish an effective – modern state.

The National Center for Dialogue and Progress (NCDP) is a research and policy advocacy organization that studies critical social, political and economic development issues of Afghanistan. The Center is an active platform for academic dialogue of best and brightest scholars and experts whose work will inform and guide our activities and help resolve the nation’s public policy disputes with non-partisan and relevant research and analysis.
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