NCDP Reports
Kabul Talk Series
Second Session
October 2, 2019
On 2nd of October, 2019 the National Center for Dialogue and Progress (NCDP) in cooperation with the Afghanistan Center at Kabul University (ACKU) and American Institute of Afghanistan Studies (AIAS) organized the Second Session of Kabul Talk Series.
NCDP believes that dialogue is one of the most fundamental building blocks for social cohesion. In this valuable time, NCDP wanted this talk to be a platform for students, scholars, academics, and professionals to have a chance of hearing about the current peace process and future structures.

The distinguished guest speakers Dr. Willaim Maley and Dr. Srinjoy Bose started the event by a brief over-viewing of the Afghanistan peace process, highlighting its strengthening and weaknesses, compared to other peace processes around the world. As Dr. Maley said “A ‘peace process’ does not automatically bring ‘peace’ to a war-torn country. A peace process that is poorly designed, executed without due care, can aggravate an already fraught situation”. That is what most Afghans and international allies are thinking that it is a rush process, which should not be and can trigger the conflict which would be dangerous.
On the other hand, Dr. Bose discussed the peace talks, American’s Strategy and future of Afghanistan in case there is an agreement of compromise between Afghanistan’s government and the Taliban. Furthermore, three policies have been recommended 1) the peace process should be an Afghan lead and owned 2) in the context of trade-off, what are parties are ready to compromise 3) Need for the cooperation of regional countries.
More than a hundred participants, including students, scholars, researchers, also Kabul University leading teams participated in this event.